PTP Mungia · Land Plan of Mungia
The PTP Mungia is part of spatial planning instruments with a comprehensive viewpoint.
An important aspect in managing the functional area has been the characterization of rural settlements to avoid indiscriminate housing development on rural environment and landscape, specially taking into consideration the proximity to Bilbao and its metropolitan area, which generates significant stress on low density dwelling demand.
The functional area, regulated by the PTP of Mungia, has excellent conditions for agricultural productivity due to the shallow topography and good sunshine. In addition, it is located near the major consuming areas (Metropolitan Area of Bilbao).
However, when analysing the evolution of the primary sector, a decrease in this activity is observed. This fact is reflected in how uses evolve in rural settlements towards a prevailing dwelling use.
Regarding this trend, some objectives were established to guide delimitation of rural settlements in the drafting of the PTP of Mungia: